Services & Activities

Sunday Morning Service
10am-11am, Port Ellen Church

Our Sunday morning service begins with the church family all together, some sung worship and an all-age talk. The school age children then go across to the Cyber Café for Junior Church while the adults stay for the sermon.

In Junior Church we learn about the Bible through games, stories and craft. We don’t yet have the capacity to run a crèche as well, however there is provision in the church for pre-school children to play throughout the service and noise really isn’t a problem!

Sunday Evening Service
6:30pm -7:30pm, Bowmore Church

Our Sunday Evening service is a more traditional and contemplative service. Children and families are always welcome and provided for, however our family service and Junior Church happen in the morning.

Visitors are always welcome to our services and as a church we have an open communion table.

Regular Activities

Weekly Bible Studies

At our weekly bible studies we delve a little deeper into the word. We discuss the Sunday sermon, ask questions, laugh and pray together. Anyone is welcome.

Tuesdays, 7:30pm, Port Ellen Church

Wednesdays, 7:30pm, Bowmore Church

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Church Walks

Throughout the year walks are organised by James and Mary Macauley every few weeks, usually on a Wednesday afternoon. These walks have proved popular with those who attend the church but also many others who join us on these days. James and Mary have a wealth of knowledge about the island and walks with them are always interesting and rewarding. Usually about 20 people go on the walks and all enjoy the experience.
Don’t worry if you are unable to walk the whole route because the mini bus always rides along to help. Refreshments are then shared after.

For details contact James and Mary on 01496 302053 and watch the Ileach for details.

Ladies’ Lunch

Once a month the ladies of the church get together for some lovely lunch and fellowship.
You are welcome to come and join us. You will probably hear us blethering away from the car park!

The First Thursday of Every Month

Men’s Breakfast

The men of the church also meet once a month. This is done over a cooked breakfast and a pile of daily papers. They chat, read the news and pray about topical issues. Anyone welcome!

The First Saturday of Every Month
8:30am, Bowmore Baptist Church